Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It is only a couple days from the opening of our first ever ArtisTTable exhibition, Lets Get Acquainted!. February 28th is the day to be exact. Be sure and stop by the website and see it as it contains and impressive selection of art that we are really very happy with. Our thanks and appreciation goes out to those artist that are participating. 

The sense of community is growing rapidly where ever the ArtisTTable is. Facebook http://on.fb.me/XCapNS is one of the more popular spots at the moment. So stop by chime in.

But what is great is that here we are on the 26th of February and we are launching our second online juried exhibition. Distant Horizons as you may have guessed is going to be a landscape show. Calls for Entries are going out to all artists and photographers.

Please take the time to read the prospectus and get all details and meet our first guest juror, Dutch artist, Roeli Rumscheidt. http://bit.ly/ZH2WUq

The submission deadline is coming right up on the 21st of March. We would love to see the world through your eyes. If you are an artist, submit, and if you know an artist, pass this information along.

We offer cash prizes and the entry fees are really modest. We are afterall artists and we know what it is like.

Come one, come all. The more the merrier.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Joe Esposito Interview

Joe Esposito

One of the real joys of the ArtisTTable for us is that in the short period of time that we have been doing it we have already met some truly wonderful people and artists. Joe Esposito is one of them. The moment we became aware of Joe and his work, we set out to find out more about this self-taught artist. We were thrilled when he agreed to do this interview.
It is hard to believe that we are nearly all the way through February 2013. We are looking forward with hope to this new year that is well underway. Joe's work is infused with so much of what we all could use a little more of these days. Especially as we are slogging through the deep dark days of another northern hemisphere mid-winter.

Read the interview on the ArtisTTable website. http://bit.ly/VtvkG5 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why Visualization?

Watched a documentary tonight called Hungry for Change. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2323551/ It is a film about nutrition, and it was very interesting, in fact there is nothing to disagree with in it. But the artist in me took something extra away that made me feel better about what I do as a profession.

One of the keys to weight loss is changing your mind about what you want and how it is effecting your body and your well being. They talked about visualization and how it is the only way to speak to your mind and body and they way they work together. Visualize what you want and your body will understand and begin to the make the changes.

Why is it important to visualize? Because your body doesn't speak English, or whatever other spoken language you might speak.

Here is a very simple example, you can go to a country where they speak a different language than you and you can ask 1000 people where the bathroom is and they won't tell where one is, but if you draw a picture of a toilet, they will tell you immediately.

We have seen around the world that art is one way that feelings and emotions can be expressed in ways that cross barriers of culture and language.

This segment of this film really brought that home to me about how important it is that we create art and share it. Not only does it help us as artists to express ourselves as we create it, but those that see it are able to have an experience with it that they can share as well.

It is a great blessing and a responsibility to be an artist.